Fehu Nauthiz Eihwas Isa Inguz Gebo Mannaz Raidho Sowulo Berkana Laguz Dagaz


The rune Jera is the fourth rune in Hagall's Eight/Aett.

Equivalent Letter:J or Y
Equivalent Number:12
Also known as:Jara, Ger
Can be inverted:No
Meaning:Harvest. Harvest is a busy time, but to reap a harvest you must have prepared for and sown the seeds that are now coming to fruition. The harvest will also need to be stored until it is needed.

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Othila Ansuz Teiwaz Pertho Jera Thurisaz Kenaz Wunjo Uruz Ehwas Elhaz Hagalaz Fehu Nauthiz Eihwas Isa Inguz Gebo Mannaz Raidho Sowulo Berkana Laguz Dagaz